Israel, Ramat-Gan, Shenkar College of Engineering Design and Art, 2018

Philosopher Viktor Shklovsky said that the way we perceive things has become worn out and automatic. We do not really see what’s around us. He claimed that we, the artists, should “make the stone stony”, revive the sensual sensitivity of life experience and make the viewer catch the ‘thing’ better. The more complex the creation, the longer it will take to understand and the greater the interest. And this is when the stone became stony again.

My work represents a broad interpretation of this, through classic goldsmithing and conceptual jewellery.

Intro by Marzee
Admiraal de Ruijterweg 345H
The Netherlands

t: +31 (0)614408106
email: mail@intromarzee.com

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Wednesday – Saturday  12:00pm – 6:00pm

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